ASAPP implements rate limits on our APIs to ensure system stability and optimal performance for all users. To maintain a smooth integration with our APIs, you need to:

  1. Be aware of the rate limits in different environments
  2. Implement retry logic to handle rate limit errors effectively

Rate Limits

EnvironmentDaily LimitDaily Limit Reset TimeSpike Arrest Limit
Sandbox10,000 requests per AI Service00:00:00 UTC100 requests/second per Product
Production50,000 requests per AI Service (default)*00:00:00 UTC100 requests/second per Product

*Production limits are configured for each service implementation and are set with ASAPP account teams during request volume forecasting.

ASAPP sets these limits to prevent API abuse rather than restrict regular expected usage. If your implementation is expected to approach or exceed these limits, contact your ASAPP account team in advance to discuss potential changes and prevent service interruptions.

Behavior When Limits are Reached

If daily limits are reached:

  • Calls to the endpoint will receive a 429 ‘Too Many Requests’ response status code for the remainder of the day.
  • In cases of suspected abuse, API tokens may be revoked to temporarily suspend access to production services. ASAPP will inform you via ServiceDesk in such cases.

ASAPP recommends implementing the following retry logic using an exponential backoff strategy in response to 429 and 5xx errors:

On 429 Errors

  • 1st retry: 1s delay
  • 2nd retry: 2s delay
  • 3rd retry: 4s delay

On 5xx Errors and Other Retriable Codes

  • 1st retry: 250ms delay
  • 2nd retry: 500ms delay
  • 3rd retry: 1000ms delay

Do not implement retries for error codes that typically indicate request errors:

  • 400 Bad Request
  • 403 Forbidden
  • 404 Not Found