All activities in AI Console are saved as events and are viewable in audit logs. These logs provide a detailed record of configuration changes made in AI-Console for AI Services and ASAPP Messaging.

These records are saved indefinitely, providing administrators with a comprehensive historical view of changes made to ASAPP services, including when they were made and by whom.

Administrators of your ASAPP organization can access audit logs.

Audit logs allow you to:

  • See the most recent changes made to every resource.
  • Investigate a particular historical change associated with a deployment.
  • Review activity for a given user or product over the course of weeks or months.

To access Audit Logs:

  1. Navigate to the AI-Console home page
  2. Select Admin

The following list displays the resources being tracked:

  • General
    • Links
    • Custom entities
  • Virtual Agent
    • Flows
    • Intent routing
  • AutoCompose
    • Global responses

Audit Logs Entries

For each audit log record, the following fields are recorded:

Resource typeType of resource modified.
Resource nameName of the resource modified.
Event typeType of event. Supported fields are create, deploy, undeploy, update, and delete.
EnvironmentEnvironment to which the resource was deployed to. Only applicable for deploy events.
UserName of user who caused the event.
TimestampTime and date the event occurred, in UTC format.
Unique ID(Optional) Unique identifier for the resource.

Searching Audit Logs

Administrators can use the search bar to look for a specific resource name, or user.

To search your audit logs, navigate to the search bar on the top-right corner of the screen.

The search functionality searches for exact matches with either the resource name, or the user that made the change.

Additionally, you can filter the results of the audit logs by using the filter drop down menus.

You can filter by the following fields:

  • Resource type
  • Event type
  • User
  • Date

You can additionally click on the “timestamp” column to re-order the results by ascending or descending dates:

Exporting Audit Logs

Administrators can download the audit logs as a CSV file to store and review later. If you export the audit logs as a .csv file after filtering them using the search bar or filters, the downloaded file will also be filtered.

To download the audit logs as a .csv file:

  1. Navigate to the Audit Logs section in AI Console.
  2. Click on the download button, next to the search bar.

Data in audit logs will be recorded from the time the feature is enabled. Historical activity will not be displayed retroactively.