Feature Release

This is the announcement for an upcoming ASAPP feature. Your ASAPP account team will provide a target release date and can direct you to more detailed information as needed.


This feature enables Agent Desk users to get context and historical conversation highlights when providing support to an authenticated customer. Updated “past conversation” indicator in the “Profile” tab, and updated “Past Conversation” tab.

Use and Impact

Past Conversations enables agents to provide customers with a more confident, informed, and tailored experience by displaying information about previous conversations with those customers. This feature improves agents’ efficiency and effectiveness by enhancing the retrievability and usefulness of historical conversation data. As a result, it helps to reduce operational metrics such as Average Handling Time (AHT) and increase effectiveness indicators like the Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) score.

How It Works

When agents log in to Agent Desk, they will notice a dynamic indicator under the context card’s profile tab. This indicator alerts agents of past conversations with the customer and how long ago they occurred, eliminating the need for agents to switch between tabs. Agents can either click the view button or toggle to the Past Conversations tab (formerly labeled History). Past conversations are organized by date, with the most recent conversations showing first.


  • Do I need to configure anything to access this new feature? No, this update will roll out to all Agent Desk users.