How to Access Live Insights

  • You can access Live Insights from the primary navigation. To open, click the Live Insights link.

How to Access a Queue or Queue Group

Live Insights provides different views of queue performance data:

  • Overview of all queue activity, including queue groups and organizational groups.
  • Single queue and queue groups, which display queue and agent performance data.

You can access single queue or queue group in two ways:

  1. From Overview, click a tile → the relevant queue details page opens.
  2. From the queue dropdown, select a queue or queue group.

You can navigate back to the Live Insights Overview, or to a different queue or queue group.

  1. Back arrow: on click, the Live Insights Overview opens.
  2. Queue channel indicator: indicates if the queue is a voice or chat queue.
  3. Queue dropdown: on click, you can select a different queue or queue group.

Channel-based Queues

Queues and queue groups host channel-specific content. ASAPP supports three queue types:

  1. Chat queues: includes all digital channels such as Apple Messages for Business, Google Business Chat, Web, SMS, iOS and Android.
  2. Voice queues: includes all voice channels in one queue.
  3. Queue groups: groups are made of aggregated queues of a single type. Each group contains either chat queues or voice queues. The number of queues in the queue group displays below the channel icon.

Access Queue Performance and Conversation Data

Single queues and queue groups include two views: performance data about the queue and conversation activity data.

  1. Performance: Click to access the performance data of the queue, as well as agent performance data and customer feedback.
  2. Conversations: Click to access conversation activity, view transcripts, and send whisper messages.