Live Insights provides a comprehensive view of today’s performance within each queue and queue group.

You can view performance data for ‘right now’, as well as for the ‘current period’, defined as since 12 am. You can also view alerts, signals, and agent performance data on the Performance page.

  1. Data definitions: On click, opens a link to view metric definitions within Historical Reporting.
  2. Channel filter: Filter performance data by channel. On click, channel options display. Select options to automatically filter data.
  3. Performance metrics: Displays all performance metrics currently available. By default, performance metrics showcase a ‘Right Now’ view.
  4. Intraday: Rolling data since the beginning of the day (12 am) is available upon activation. When active, the rolling count or averages since 12 am display.
  5. Agent metrics and feedback data: On click, displays the Agent performance data or customer feedback received.

Intraday Data

You can view current performance data (‘right now’) or view aggregate counts and averages since the beginning of the day (‘current period’).

These two views provide you with a fuller picture of queue performance and facilitate investigations and contextualization of events.

  1. Right Now: Default view. Provides performance data currently captured.
  2. Since 12 am: Click the toggle to display ‘current period’ metrics.

Some metrics are not available in this configuration.

Metrics Definitions

See Metrics Definitions for more information

Filter by Channel

You can segment performance data per channel or by groups of channels.

  1. Channel dropdown: To filter data per channel, click the channel dropdown to activate channel selection.
  2. Channel options: All available channels display in the channel dropdown. You can select one or more channels to filter data by. Once selected, the data will automatically update.