This section details the various ways you can use the ASAPP ContextProvider with the Chat SDK API. Before using the ContextProvider, make sure you’ve integrated the ASAPP SDK script on your page.

The ASAPP ContextProvider is used for passing various information about your users or their sessions to the Chat SDK. It is a key that may be set in the Load and SetCustomer APIs. The key must be assigned a function that will receive two arguments.

The first argument is a callback function. The second argument is a needsRefresh boolean indicating whether or not the authorization information needs to be refreshed.


After you’ve retrieved all the context needed for a user, call the callback argument with your context object as the sole argument. This will pass your context object to the ASAPP Chat SDK.


The needsRefresh argument returns a boolean value indicating whether or not your user’s authorization has expired.

function contextProviderHandler(callback, needsRefresh) {
    var contextObject = Object.assign(
    if (needsRefresh) {
ASAPP('setCustomer', {
    CustomerId: yourGetCustomerIdMethod(),
    ContextProvider: contextProviderHandler


The ContextProvider plays an important role in authorizing your users with the ASAPP Chat SDK. Whether your users are always authenticated or transitioning from an anonymous to integrated use case, you must use the ContextProvider’s Auth key to provide a user’s authorization. 

Your site is responsible for retrieving and providing all authorization information. Once provided to ASAPP, your user will be allowed secure access to any integrated use cases.

Along with providing a CustomerId, you’ll need to provide any request body with information, cookies, headers, or access tokens required for ASAPP to authorize with your systems.

You may provide this information using the Auth key and the following set of nested properties:

function contextProviderHandler(callback, needsRefresh) {
    var contextObject = {
        // Auth key provided to the ContextProvider
        Auth: {
            Body: {
                customParam: 'value'
            Cookies: {
                AuthCookie: 'authCookieValue'
            Headers: {
                'X-Custom-Header': 'value'
            Scopes: ['paybill'],
            Token: 'b34r3r...'

Each key within the Auth object is optional, but you must provide any necessary information for your authenticated users.

  • The BodyCookies, and Headers keys all accept an object containing any number of key:value pairs.
  • The Scopes key accepts an array of strings defining which services may be updated with the provided token.
  • The Token key accepts a single access token string.

Please see the Authentication section for full details on using the ContextProvider for authenticating your users.


You may assign analytics data to a user’s Chat SDK interactions by using the CustomerInfo key. The key is a child of the context object and contains a series of key:value pairs.

Your page is responsible for defining and setting the keys you would like to track. You may define and pass along as many keys as you would like.

A user does not need to be authenticated in order to provide analytics information. The following code snippet shows the CustomerInfo key being used to pass along analytics data.

function contextProviderHandler(callback, needsRefresh) {
    var contextObject = {
        CustomerInfo: {
            // Your own key: value pairs
            category: 'payment',
            action: 'ASAPP',
            parent_page: 'Pay my Bill'
    // Return the callback
ASAPP('load', {
    ContextProvider: contextProviderHandler

You should discuss and agree upon the attribute names with your Implementation Manager.

Customer Info


Do NOT send sensitive data via CustomerInfo, custom_params, or customer_params. For more information, click here.

  • Key: CustomerInfo
  • Value Type: Object

An object containing a set of key:value pairs that you wish to provide as analytics information. The value of each key must be a string.

Session Information

The ContextProvider may be used for passing existing session information along to the Chat SDK. This is for connecting a user’s page session with their SDK session.

You may provide two keys---ExternalSessionId and ExternalSessionType---for connecting session information. The value of each key is at your discretion.

A user does not need to be authenticated in order to provide session information.


  • Key: ExternalSessionId
  • Value Type: String
  • Example Value: 'j6oAOxCWZh...' Your user’s unique session identifier. This information can be used for joining your session IDs with ASAPP’s session IDs.


  • Key: ExternalSessionType
  • Value Type: String
  • Example Value:'visitID'

A descriptive label of the type of identifier being passed via the ExternalSessionId.

Company Subdivisions

If your company has multiple entities segmented under a single AppId, you may use the ContextProvider to pass the entity information along to the Chat SDK.

To do so, provide the optional CompanySubdivisionkey with a value of your subdivision’s identifier. The identifier value will be determined in coordination with your ASAPP Implementation Manager.


  • Key: CompanySubdivision
  • Value Type: Object
  • Example Value: 'divisionId'

An object containing a set of key:value pairs that you wish to provide as analytics information. The value of each key must be a string.


If your company needs to group users at a more granular level than AppId or CompanySubdivision, you may use the Segments key to apply labels to your reports.

Each key you provide allows you to filter your reporting dashboard by those values.


  • Key: Segments
  • Value Type: Array
  • Example Value: ['north america', 'usa',``'northeast']

The key value must be an array containing a set of strings.