This section provides a few common integration scenarios with the ASAPP Chat SDK.

Before continuing, make sure you’ve integrated the ASAPP SDK script on your page. You must have the initial script available before utilizing any of the examples below. Also, be sure that you have a Trigger enabled for the page(s) you wish to display the Chat SDK.

Basic Integration (no Authentication)

The most basic integrations are ones with no customizations to the ASAPP interface and no integrated use cases. If your company is simply providing an un-authed user experience, an integration like the one below may suffice.

ee the App Settings page for details on the APIHostname and AppId settings. The following code snippet is an example of a non-authenticated integration with the ASAPP Chat SDK.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    ASAPP('load', {
        APIHostname: '',
        AppId: 'example-co'

With the above information set, a user will be able to access integrated use cases. If their session or token information has expired, then the user will be presented with a “Sign In” button. Once the user clicks the Sign In button, the Chat SDK will call your provided UserLoginHandler, allowing them to authorize. Here’s a sample of what the Sign In button looks like.

Basic Integration (With Authentication)

Integrating the Chat SDK with authenticated users requires the addition of the CustomerIdContextProvider, and UserLoginHandler keys.

See the App Settings page for more detailed information on their usage. With each of these keys set, a user will be able to access integrated use cases or be capable of logging in if they are not already.

The following code snippet is an example of providing user credentials for allowing a user to enter integrated use cases.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    ASAPP('load', {
        APIHostname: '',
        AppId: 'example-co',
        CustomerId: 'hashed-customer-identifier',
        ContextProvider: function (callback, tokenIsExpired) {
            var context = {
                Auth: {
                    Token: 'secure-session-user-token'
        // If a user's token expires or their user credentials
        // are not available, handle their login path
        UserLoginHandler: function () {
            window.location.href = '/login';

With the above information set, a user will be able to access integrated use cases. If their session or token information has expired, then the user will be presented with a “Sign In” button.

Once the user clicks the Sign In button, the Chat SDK will call your provided UserLoginHandler, allowing them to authorize.

Here’s a sample of what the Sign In button looks like.

Customizing the Interface

The Chat SDK offers a few basic keys for customizing the interface to your liking.

The Display key enables you to perform those customizations as needed. Please see the Display Settings section for detailed information on each of the available keys.

The following code snippet shows how to add the Display key to your integration to customize the display settings of the Chat SDK.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    ASAPP('load', {
        APIHostname: '',
        AppId: 'example-co',
        Display: {
            Align: 'left',
            AlwaysShowMinimize: true,
            BadgeColor: '#36393A',
            BadgeText: 'Chat With Us',
            BadgeType: 'tray',
            FrameDraggable: true,
            FrameStyle: 'sideBar'

For cases in which you have more specific styling needs, you may utilize the available IDs or classnames for targetting and customizing the Chat SDK elements with CSS.

These selectors are stable and can be used to target the ASAPP Badge and iFrame for specific styling needs.

The following code snippet provides a CSS example showcasing a few advanced style changes.

#asapp-chat-sdk-badge {
    border-radius: 25px;
    bottom: 10px;
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #fff, 0 0 0 4px #36393A;
#asapp-chat-sdk-iframe {
    border-radius: 0;

With the above customizations in place, the Chat SDK Badge will look like the following.

Advanced Integration

Here’s a more robust example showing how to utilize most of the ASAPP Chat SDK settings.

In the examples below we will define a few helper methods, then pass those helpers to the Load or SetCustomer APIs.

The following example showcases a ContextProvider that sets some basic session information, then sets any available user authentication information. Once that information is retrieved, it passes the prepared context to the callback so that ASAPP can process each Chat SDK request.

The following code snippet is a ContextProvider example utilizing session expiration conditionals.

function asappContextProvider (callback, tokenIsExpired, sessionInfo) {
    var context = {
        CustomerInfo: {
            Region: 'north-america',
            ViewingProduct: 'New Smartphone',
    if (tokenIsExpired || !sessionInfo) {
        sessionInfo = retrieveSessionInfo();
    if (sessionInfo) {
        context.Auth = {
            Cookies: {
                'X-User-Header': sessionInfo.cookies.userValue
            Token: sessionInfo.access_token

The next example shows conditional logic for logging a user in on single or multi-page application. You’ll likely only need to handle one of the cases in your application.

If a user enters a use case they are not authorized for, they will be presented with a “Sign In” button within the SDK.

When the user clicks that link, it will trigger your provided UserLoginHandler so you can allow the user to authenticate.

The following code snippet shows a UserLoginHandler utilizing page redirection or modals to log a user in.

function asappUserLoginHandler () {
    if (isSinglePageApp) {
            .then(function (customer, sessionInfo) {
                ASAPP('SetCustomer', {
                    CustomerId: customer,
                    ContextProvider: function (callback, tokenIsExpired) {
                        asappContextProvider(callback, tokenIsExpired, sessionInfo)
    } else {
        window.location.href = '/login';

The next helper defines the onLoadComplete handler.

It is used for preparing any additional logic you wish to tie to ASAPP or your own page functionality. The below example checks whether the Chat SDK loaded via a Trigger (via the isDisplayingChat argument).

If it’s configured to display, it prepares some event bindings through the Action API which in turn call an example metrics service.

The following code snippet shows an onLoadComplete handler being used with the isDisplayingChat conditional and Action API.

function asappOnLoadComplete (isDisplayingChat) {
    if (isDisplayingChat) {
        // Chat SDK has loaded and exists on the page
        var customerId = retrieveCurrentSessionOrUserId();
        ASAPP('on', 'issue:new', function (event) {
            metricService('set', 'chat:action', {
                actionName: event.type,
                customerId: customerId,
                externalCustomerId: event.detail.customerId,
                issueId: event.detail.issueId
        ASAPP('on', 'message:received', function (event) {
            metricService('set', 'chat:action', {
                actionName: event.type,
                customerId: customerId,
                externalCustomerId: event.detail.customerId,
                isLiveChat: event.detail.isLiveChat,
                issueId: event.detail.issueId,
                senderType: event.detail.senderType
    } else {
        // Chat SDK is not configured to display on this page.
        // See Display Settings: Triggers documentation

Finally, we tie everything together. The example below shows a combination of adding the above helper functions to the ASAPP Load API.

It also combines many of the App Settings available to you and your integration.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
    var customerId = retrieveCustomerIdentifier();
    ASAPP('load', {
        APIHostname: '',
        AppId: 'example-co',
        Display: {
            Align: 'left',
            AlwaysShowMinimize: true,
            BadgeColor: 'rebeccapurple',
            BadgeText: 'Chat With Us',
            BadgeType: 'tray',
            FrameDraggable: true,
            FrameStyle: 'sideBar',
            Identity: 'subsidiary-branding'
        Intent: {
            Code: 'PAYBILL'
        RegionCode: 'US',
        Sound: true,
        CustomerId: customerId,
        ContextProvider: asappContextProvider,
        UserLoginHandler: asappUserLoginHandler,
        onLoadComplete: asappOnLoadComplete